
Author: Martin Bragwell

Seeking God

The Prophet Isaiah wrote, “Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.” (Isaiah 55:6 NKJV) The writer of the New Testament book of Hebrews tells us that “God exists and that he rewards…

Of Teaching, Preaching and Witnessing …

When I was a youngster, it was not unusual to hear people “testifying” and “witnessing” at various denominations’ worship services. During the last several years, we hear the terms used more and more among those with whom I am associated.…

“The Faith of Abraham”

The faith of Abraham is held up by New Testament writers, especially Paul, as an example for us all. No event of the Old Testament better illustrates faith under trial than Abraham’s offering of his son. The story is recorded…

How Readest Thou?

When reading the Bible, it seems that some folks lay their common sense aside. They make ordinary words and phrases take on meanings that they would not have in any other kind of communication. The same words and phrases found…

Accountability for Sin

One of the more popular teaching, attributed to Jesus, is that of immediate “unconditional forgiveness” of those who have sinned against us. It is held forth as the epitome of “Christian love.” It is heralded as the Christ-like thing to…