
Category: Worship

Clapping to Songs

I have noticed some articles in opposition to the practice of applauding speakers in church, articles to which I say a hearty “Amen.” Preaching is not entertainment to be measured by an applause meter. In South Africa our problem is…

“It Is Just Not like Being There”

How often has the above comment been made by us? Over the years, we have had the privilege of traveling to all 50 of our great states. We have visited attractions like Mount Rushmore, Niagra Falls, Grand Canyon, Hawaii, Alaska,…

About Worship

In our more used English translations, “worship,” in its various forms, is found over 100 times in the Old Testament and over 70 times in the New Testament. It is used of one directing a special act (word or deed)…

Prayer Meeting …

I can remember when many brethren referred to their mid-week service as “Prayer Meeting,” indicating that most of the service as devoted to prayer. We don’t hear the term much these days. Shortly after placing membership at Kimberly we learned…


“… They think that they will be heard for their many words.” – Matthew 6:7b I am fully aware tha Jesus used the above words to teach his disciples how not to pray – not like the heathen (Gentiles) with…