
Author: Martin Bragwell

Seeking God

  The Prophet Isaiah wrote, “Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.” (Isaiah 55:6 NKJV) The writer of the New Testament book of Hebrews tells us that “God exists and that he…

Of Labeling Churches …

Sardis was labeled by our Lord as being “dead.” (Rev. 3:1) Was He painting with too broad a brush? Surely not. Were there not some spiritually alive there? Yes. There were some living but “ready to die” (verse 2). There…

The New Testament Scriptures

Historians and scholars raise a lot of questions as to just when the New Testament writings became recognized as authoritative Scripture by Christians – some say this council and some another. However, the New Testament itself leaves little doubt that…

Young Man, So You Want to Preach

One of the encouraging things that I see among my brethren is the number of young men who are expressing a desire to make preaching the gospel their life’s work. Along with that the number of local churches that are…