
Author: Martin Bragwell

The Hope Set Before us

It would be hard to find a sadder commentary on the human predicament than the one given by Paul concerning the former condition of the Gentiles. He says they were “without Christ, … having no hope, and without God in…

“I Gave Her Time to Repent …”

As we were studying Revelation in our Wednesday night class we read from 2:21 where Jesus says that he was about to severely punish the immoral woman, Jezebel – but not before he had given her “time to repent.” If…

The Psalmist’s Soul-Winning Formula

  “Restore to me the joy of Your salva­tion, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, And sinners shall be converted to You.” – Psalms 51:12,13 (NKJV). The Psalmist may be saying that…

Professional Preachers

The trend toward developing a “professional clergy” among churches of Christ has been in the making for some time now. More and more, both churches and preachers, have come to view gospel preachers as professionals much like the professions of…

Seeing the invisible…

One may think that he is seeing the wind blowing – but strictly speaking this is impossible. He can only see the effects of the blowing wind. Wind itself, whether still or blowing, is invisible. Luke tells us, in Acts…