
A False Teacher Preaches Against False Teaching

Californian preacher Francis Chan has become a folk hero to a lot of folks, especially younger Christians who are, for whatever reason, disenchanted with “religion” as they view it. These folks have become to the church what the hippie movement…

Becoming All Things to All Men

The apostle Paul wrote, 19 For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; 20 and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might…

Amos or Amaziah

A number of years ago, in a conversation with someone concerning preachers and preaching, the person stated that he thought a preacher needed to have charisma and be entertaining in order to be effective. As I reflect back on that,…

Biblical Christianity Is Not Cheap

Much of today’s evangelism depicts “accepting Jesus” as an event involving a bonanza of benefits with minimal or no cost to the acceptor. The idea being, since Jesus paid it all, there is no cost to be born by the…

Focusing on God’s Workmanship

A little girl asked her father if a mule, they had just seen, was a Christian. The father replied, “No. Of course not! why do ask?” “Well, you say Grandma is a Christian and that mule has a long face…