
How Readest Thou?

When reading the Bible, it seems that some folks lay their common sense aside. They make ordinary words and phrases take on meanings that they would not have in any other kind of communication. The same words and phrases found…

Accountability for Sin

One of the more popular teaching, attributed to Jesus, is that of immediate “unconditional forgiveness” of those who have sinned against us. It is held forth as the epitome of “Christian love.” It is heralded as the Christ-like thing to…

The Evolving View of Evangelism

We can remember when young men were desiring to “make preachers,” as it was expressed among brethren, especially in the rural South where I grew up, and when a congregation was “looking for a preacher,” the process was much less…

The Prepared Place

In John 14:2, Jesus said, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you,” in the King James Version and a few others.…

About Worship

In our more used English translations, “worship,” in its various forms, is found over 100 times in the Old Testament and over 70 times in the New Testament. It is used of one directing a special act (word or deed)…