
Author: Martin Bragwell

Eating in the Church Building

It may come as a surprise to many that “eating in the church building” is a non-issue. In fact, I have never known nor heard of anyone who opposed eating in the church building. I know of no one who…

Another Look at the Social Gospel

We “conservatives” sometimes speak of the “Social Gospel” in a way that shows we know very little about it. Many think the Social Gospel is all about churches sponsoring social activities like social meals and recreational activities. While these unscriptural…

Looking at a Trend

I was blessed with being able to solely “live of the gospel” (cf. 1 Cor. 9:14) for my 50+ years of working with local churches. For all of those years we were able to live on the support provided by…

Honoring Those Who Have Gone Before Us

Someone has said that originality consists of forgetting where you got it. When we are tempted to think of ourselves as unique, original, our own person in our understanding of religious matters, it is good to remember that we all…